Saturday 8 May 2010

Peet Street Studio

Currently Mediaworks Trust is the process of developing a disused warehouse mill into modern studio workspace. This is a major capital project which the Trust is undertaking to develop new facilities aimed primarily aimed at film and media and community art's sectors. The aim to encourage business start-ups and creative industries based Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to expand and develop innovative products and services. SMEs will directly benefit from the impact of extra studio floor space and business support and increased infrastructure that will be avaiable.

The project aims to support entrepreneurs from all sections of society by:
  • targeted awareness raising of various media based activities to simulate and encourage enterprise and business development within film and media sector
  • integrating entrepreneurship at all levels of the education curriculum (Higher Education) and creating effective links between education institutions and businesses;
  • providing business increased infrastructure to support economic renewal and improved access to equipment.
What's on Offer?
  • Eventually there will be low cost and affordable studio space aim at new businesses and organisations, freelance operators as well as individuals who want to access:
  • Workshop and events programme
  • Student Placement support
  • Equipment loan and hiring facilities
  • Editing rooms and green rooms
Also we keen to develop a strong network as part of the studio, and whether you to link with other filmmakers or network with other directors, writers and producers and industry expertise then do register with us.

How to Register

Fill in our online registration form here, or contact us here
What kind of support do you want to access from the project?
  • More information on Studio Space
  • Training support please give examples of type of workshops and training support you would like e.g. motion graphics / Virtual Sets/ Getting Started in HD Production / Flash Video
  • Access to digital film equipment to hire on loan
  • Registering for future networking events

Community Film Share

Come and join us

Whether you are thinking of filming a special community event, or wanting others to know more about your community group activities, then Community Film Share Project may help.

A new project funded by The Big Lottery Awards for All and running until the end of the November 2010, with main focus on supporting 'community film making', our aim is to help encourage and empower community, voluntary organisations, individuals or volunteers to develop their capacity to produce digital film base upon their own community activities and experiences.

This could include:

  • A sponsored walk or bike-ride
  • A community or charity performance
  • A restoration of an old building such as a church, mosque or community centre or youth club.
  • A charity dinner, performance, concert or charity function
  • A community festival or cultural event
  • A community tour / exhibition or show

Whatever not-for-profit event / function you want filming, the Community Film Share Project can help. Through enabling you to document the occasion using digital film media, together we can boost the awareness of your group and allow the experiences to be shared.

What's on Offer?

  • We will be providing FREE workshops in developing technical and managerial skills in digital-video production, covering aspects from camera operation / video editing to legal matters, relating to internet and cinema exhibition.
  • A 'digital-video equipment loan' service allowing accessibility to project participants, free to all volunteers and registered voluntary
  • Take part community-based film-screening event to be organised for October 2010
  • Be part of our volunteer network of community film-makers, including regular updates on filming and community events.

We are actively encouraging local groups to share the experiences through a community-based film festival event. We aim to support individuals and groups who have limited access to such equipment - and will therefore focus upon groups with no previous exposure to such equipment before. At the conclusion of the project, the groups involved will come together and share their experiences, through showcasing their video documented community-based activities around Derbyshire.

Sharing Your Community Activities

The project aims to support a Volunteer Network by developing, enabling and empowering individuals and community organisations in becoming more confident and proficient in using digital media equipment within their community practices.

Through accessing digital-video equipment, individuals and groups will have the resources to film and document community events, which can then be utilised for screening on the Internet through various screening and social network sites and in turn be collated to develop a community-based video archive.

How to Get Involved

We encourage people from all backgrounds to come and registered with our Volunteer Network, whether you want to join in on the workshops, make use of the digital video equipment, or share some of your community films as part our screening event to be taken in the Autumn of 2010 รข€“ do get involve and join us!

Particularly welcome smaller groups who have limited access to digital film equipment to get involve including Black and Ethnic Minority and grass root community groups to develop their capacity to produce community films to share.

To register with us either post / email your details we us by completing the simple online registration form here, or by calling us on 01332 369230.

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Welcome to our news blog!

Hi, and welcome to our blog.

We are a community based scriptwriting and video production social enterprise based within the city of Derby.

Since 2003, we have been active within the East Midlands in various training workshops, short films, screenings and festivals and have delivered over twenty projects to local youth and community groups.

Made up of individuals rooted from a diversity of backgrounds, each member of our team aims toward the idea of social filmmaking which strives for work, which holds both artistic and educational merit.

Offering advice, guidance and support to those interested in developing within the Media and Cultural Industries, we provide media-based training, towards Open College Network (OCN) qualifications.